Monday, January 29, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

I am off to a slow start this year. Today, on Monday, January 29 (a full 29 days into the new year), I resolve to read the Bible chronologially in one year. I got the idea from Back to the Bible and I like the idea of reading the Good Book in the order that things happened b/c I would always get confused about the order of events (and I like order! despite the entropic way of things in my life). The online guide is meant to be used by visiting the site daily but I decided to create a little paper version so that I can read on the train. Oh, did I mention that I endeavor to read the King James version?

Another slow start is my knitting. Never mind the half-finished mitten I began last year, I finally cracked open Dear's little Christmas gift to me: the 2007 Knitting Calendar, with a pattern a day. I probably won't do most of the patterns but at least it will be a handy desk calendar. And perhaps it will help with Hope for New York's knitting project to knit hats and scarves for the needy.

Will I have time to do all this, plus fix up the apartment (my goal is to be in time for Chinese New Year)? Ha!

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