Friday, July 27, 2007

Walking on sunshine

A huge weight lifted from me: Orthopedist said it was OK to put weight on my leg and that I should fully bend/straighten my knee when walking. So I did a whole bunch of walking (and spending) today (not the best weather for walking, but I'll take it). All those weeks of pent up walking and being chained to three positions (sitting, limping, leaning on one leg) vanished as I ran half a bazillion errands. I better enjoy this freedom while it lasts, since I'll soon be on crutches for a while. Instead of the usual graft from a cadaver, I am hoping I get a bionic knee.

Sidenote #1: Going to the orthopedist reminded me a lot of going to the dentist. I started off with multiple x-rays that the technician made with this thing that he swung around to get various views of my leg. I wonder if the surgery will be just like getting my wisdom teeth removed (a process I kinda enjoyed).

Sidenote #2: I can walk without a cane but still pretty slow. It's frustrating to see people speed up after getting around me and I'm even more embarassed that they don't understand that I have a real reason for being slow (I don't like lollygaggers either!). I liked how the cane at least made people feel guilty about not offering me a seat on the subway (even if they still didn't ultimately give me a seat). Now I can't even illicit that guilt out of them. :T

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