Thursday, March 08, 2007

Eating out vs. in

Today Dear posed the question of whether or not it's worth it to eat in. My argument is that it's definitely cheaper but is it really? With the time it takes to cook and then clean up* afterwards, we're finally able to relax around 10-11ish pm, which means that if you want to get anything done, you've got at most, an hour before you should really go to bed (provided that you get 7-8 hours sleep). Either we're doing something wrong (too elaborate of a meal or too stringent cleaning standards) or there's a better way. Or maybe I require too much sleep?! What are we doing wrong?!

*Note that the dishwasher is the greatest thing known to man because I can't imagine if I had to wash ALL those other dishes, what time I'd be able to go to bed. Prior to this year, I've always washed dishes by hand (my parents have never owned a dishwasher). I sometimes find washing dishes soothing (though I've always hated cleaning big pots and pans) but after having to clean up after Dear cooks (he actually sets up a mise en place most of the time), I've come to see it as more of a chore. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear just needs to learn to eat leftovers and make one pot meals in double portions on weekends for consumption during the weekdays. Also, rely on good local takeout to supplement one or two days of the week and you're all set because Chinese takeout is almost definitely cheaper than buying ingredients and cooking yourself. As a last resort, suggest dinner once a week at the in-laws for a cooked meal and brownie points. :)